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Introducing Layhold

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Layhold is an addiction recovery company. Our goal is to make recovery from sexual and pornography addiction both accessible and transformational.

We believe pornography addiction destroys the way we think about ourselves and others. This leads to an onslaught of profound brokenness including self-hatred, demolished relationships, destroyed families and shattered hearts.

We believe there is hope for men and women addicted to pornography. We believe a transformed and healthy life free of pornography is possible for anyone.


Nathan grew up during the Digital Revolution when personal computer ownership went from 15% of households to 65% in less than a decade. He became fascinated by the Internet and eventually discovered internet pornography. Accessibility and other life circumstances led Nathan to porn addiction for over 20 years.

After some false starts and struggling with initial recovery steps for several years, Nathan finally hit rock-bottom. This became the catalyst for finally finding help through connecting with the right resources and beginning a successful recovery journey.

Today, Nathan co-leads a porn recovery group in the Chicago suburbs. He's been porn-free for 5+ years.